Monday, September 29, 2008

As life goes by...
by Jolivette Anderson

It has been a year and 7 days since I last posted on Mamashood. Reason, I am not a disciplined writer. I do not wirte all of the time, everyday, like I should. I want to do much better than I am doing.

All of my thoughts and plans and activities are centered around rasising my daughter Nadja. She is putting sentences together now, asking for what she wants, becoming frustrated when she does not know the words to express what she wants, and attempting -at all times- to do what she wants to do (like her Mama).

Two nights ago, she was laying on top of me while I was watching television and she say, "Jah Vette". I politely looked at her and said, "yes, Nadja, what do you want?" It was then that she realized that I had another name. As she learns herself, she learns me and our world.

Funny thing about me and Nadja, we spend a whoel lot of time together. She is my shadow. She keeps me from cussing folks out, she helps me maintain Iwa Pwele because I have to keep her safe so therefore, I can't be running around doing stupid stuff.

In her growth process, I keep it real with Nadja. I let her know what I think and feel about situations even though she is only two years old.

A few months ago (maybe longer) she became facinated with her body parts. While taking a bath she would touch herself. I said, 'that is called a vagina'. She said, 'gina'. I said, 'Close enough for now'. I did not take her curiosity about her body as shocking or tell her to stop doing it. In my mind, she should know her body better than anyone else so I encourage her to develop the best possible relationship with herself. I hope that this will translate into some aspect of postive self esteem.

Joke for the day. I use to put powder on Nadja when I changed her diaper when she was younger. Since she started wearing pull-ups, I stopped. The other day, I saw the powder near by while changing her and picked it up and said, 'open legs'. She did and I put some powder on her and pulled up her pull-up. She looked at the container and said "power'. "No, powDer", I said. She again said, "power".

The next time she needed to be changed, once I had taken her pull-up off and cleaned her, she opened her legs, pointed to her vagina and said, 'POWER'!

I said, "Sugar, if you only knew!"
